UX professional with 11 years' experience, master's degree and numerous international awards.


Strategic yet conceptual.
Direct and engaging.

Let’s get personal


Hello, my name is Kresimir. A bit tricky? Repeat after me: Kre-si-mir. If you didn’t get it right — I’ll teach you when we meet.

Even though my mantra is to push myself both in personal and professional life, I like to remind myself to take it easy from time to time and to take it slow. Having a well-managed work/life balance makes a difference in creativity and ultimately work output.

I’m not ‘all design’

I love to travel. That’s a real passion of mine and an ultimate inspiration. To illustrate that — I’ve traveled more than 55.000 km in 2018 alone, and 2019 also seems to a fascinating one with the Carribean and the southern US in the books.

Also, I'm really passionate about aviation, and I'd say that's blends amazingly with UX design. How? It definitely improves the understanding and importance of human-machine interaction. Furthermore, you quickly begin to appreciate how thing work better when they are improved in iterations. And I'not alone in this. See?

Thoughts on UX

With over a decade of work experience and master's degree in design, for the last seven years, I have narrowed my focus on digital product user experience which sums all disciplines covered so far.

Having witnessed what synergy of UX direction and Marketing can achieve, I am a very passionate advocate of UX integration into business processes from the start. Strategic UX management, along with Marketing, should clearly define the strategy for the user/customer experience and use UX toolset to execute that across all user/customer touch points.

Furthermore, I am genuinely convinced that UX should have a firm place at a boardroom table — to report results in business terms and to show the real value of executing great user experiences. A true corporate UX leader should demonstrate those results to get and maintain a seat at the table. Those results should be shown in its pure, rather concise, but direct business terms — KPIs and other critical user metrics to swiftly evaluate how UX stands against defined SMART goals.

In my personal experience, a management UX role that is present in a boardroom is still a rare occurrence. And that's not just a flaw in corporate management — designers require passionate leaders who can structure what they do and who understand business processes. This is precisely what I am aiming for.