UX professional with 11 years' experience, master's degree and numerous international awards.
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Law enforcement enters the digital age

OK, so something serious happened, and you need to call the police. In all that shock and terror, you probably can't even recall your name, let alone the number you need to dial. How about explaining your exact location? Not easy, right? Nobody should endure that in the digital age. Your smartphone already knows all of that, so why not make it do all that work for you?

This multi-context system is comprised of 5 dedicated applications. Three apps are public-facing and enable citizens to report incidents to the police. These are dedicated, native apps for all mobile platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows Phone). Police officials have their variants — a dedicated web app for police headquarters, and a mobile app for police officials that are on the field. Obviously, for security reasons, these cannot be shown here.

This system is officially adopted and used on a national level by the Republic of Croatia where it is still in use by thousands of people every day.

I've managed the entire UX process, from initial research, defining user touch points, wireframes, testing to the final product specification that was ready for development.

My role: UX Manager, Lead UX designer

 The project was set up so that it follows distinct design phases.

The project was set up so that it follows distinct design phases.

 Just one of the test scenarios that my team did to assess what solutions are most suitable for speedy incident reporting.

Just one of the test scenarios that my team did to assess what solutions are most suitable for speedy incident reporting.

 After a lot of strategic thinking, research and user-centered analysis, we've come up with a very simplified (intentionally!) user workflow that fulfills needs and goals for our personas.

After a lot of strategic thinking, research and user-centered analysis, we've come up with a very simplified (intentionally!) user workflow that fulfills needs and goals for our personas.

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Report an incident

Report an incident

Take a photo or video, or attach it. Fill in with a bit of information for the police officials and viola! Help is coming your way. No need to state where you are — you've sent your location automatically.

Stay in the loop

Stay in the loop

Familiar messaging pattern keeps the user in touch with the police officials, making contact more friendly and engaging.

In an emergency?

In an emergency?

Just tap and slide! Based on your current location, nearest police officials will be notified and dispatched immediately — with precise mapping feedback and ETA.

 iOS app is live, check it out  here . No. 1 free app in October 2015 in Croatia!

iOS app is live, check it out here.
No. 1 free app in October 2015 in Croatia!

 Android app is live. Check it out  here .

Android app is live. Check it out here.

 Windows Phone app is live. Check it out  here .

Windows Phone app is live. Check it out here.



The product implementation in Croatia was greeted with very significant praise from the public. Besides a considerable drop in overall workload associated with traditional calls to the police, officials had a more direct way to engage with citizens after the report has been made.

The app was no. 1 downloaded app on both iOS and Android stores for three months after it was published.